Hard Data for your Org’s Soft Skills


Business is built on conversations — 5 to 1 Consulting observes and quantifies your people’s 18 core communication traits so you can baseline and benchmark for success.

The Modern Communication Problem

Current technology culture does not promote productive interpersonal skills. In today's social, business, and academic environments conversation is modeled as entertainment or excitement to “like” or “dislike” rather than fostering constructive participation. Our collective ability to collaborate, connect, handle adversity, and make decisions together has been impaired. To improve, we need a studied awareness of where we are starting from and what gaps exist.


Measure — and improve —communication skills

Effective metrics are essential for focusing attention and achieving results. 5 to 1 Consulting can get you the objective numbers you need on the 18 observable behaviors that make or break everyday interactions.

Both qualified AND quantified data let people see how they perform now: what works, what doesn’t work, and what is missing entirely. The result is the opportunity for substantial growth with real numbers instead of only subjective opinions.

How I use Airtime (SmartTalk) to bring hard data to your group’s soft skills


I work with a seasoned team of trusted experts to ensure you get the right data to help your group thrive.

Find out more about how I can help you and your team thrive: reach out for a complimentary consultation.
